When Do Toddlers Stop Using High Chairs

Is it time for High chairs to appear to be on their way out?

If you’re wondering when to move your toddler from a high chair to a table or booster seat, the answer will vary based on the child’s persistence and the mother’s reactivity, since each child is unique in their personality and habits. We are here with some tips and suggestions to help you replace the high chairs safely.

It can be hard to transition your toddler from a high chair to a regular table. However, the subject of when do toddlers stop using high chairs is important. In this article, you will learn about the best time to switch your toddler to a regular table and what precautions you need to take care of and advice on when is the best time to make the switch.

When do most toddlers stop using the high chair?

There is no set age at which a child should quit utilizing a high chair. Like most scenarios, toddlers like to stay in high chairs for 2 to 3 years, or until your child outgrows them.

Many parents wonder when do toddlers stop using high chairs. First, you will notice that your baby is hesitant to sit still in a high chair. He or she will refuse to eat and will attempt to lift the tray on its own. Second, when he or she expresses an interest in joining you at the table. Third, the baby understands what is expected and can obey your instructions, even when it comes to food. 

Why should I stop toddlers stop using the high chair

Your baby spent plenty of time in his/her high chair, it’s vital to observe the given points for the transition that they should switch safely out of the high chair.

  1. When their child turns the toddler stage and begins to acquire independence, many parents want to transition out of a high chair because that is when kids start receiving into everything and can simply slide out.
  2. When you believe they are outweighed, for example, by more than 50 pounds.
  3. You can make your toddler move if you consider they are old enough to understand, follow, and obey the rules.
  4. When they appear to want to move and are unhappy in high chairs, you may need to switch them to meals with you at the table.
  5. Make sure your youngster understands that chairs are not for rocking or standing, and that cutlery is not for playing.
  6. Mums should always examine their perspective while deciding whether or not to transit their kids. You must direct your thoughts following your baby’s condition to act appropriately. Because you know when your baby is set for transition or wants to stop using the high chair.

How do you know when your toddler is ready for the transition

Toddlers utilize high chairs for a limited time, usually till they are 2 or 3 years old. After then, they move on to a conventional chair. This will be a gradual process, and it may not always be simple if your youngster is used to eating in a high chair. 

As toddlers grow and learn to walk and explore their surroundings, they may outgrow their high chairs. This is a typical developmental stage, and your child will ultimately learn to eat at a regular table.

Stepping out of a High Chair is an anecdotal indication. Some children are intensely aware of the differences in their siblings’ seating habits. Your child, in my opinion, will communicate when he/she is ready to quit the High Chair. Here are some of the warning signs to keep an eye out for:

  1. Your baby begins to copy you.
  2. They can understand your instructions and follow rules.
  3. Your child is always attempting to get out of the high chair.
  4. Your child exhibits an interest in joining you at the table.
  5. Your child is constantly experimenting with adult seats.
  6. If your youngster becomes upset and frustrated anytime they are placed in high chairs.
  7. Once your child can flee, the high chair becomes a highly dangerous rather than a comfort. Move your youngest out of the house as quickly as possible.

What comes after a high chair?

When your children have outgrown their high chair but are not quite ready for an adult seat. Then you should hunt for the greatest alternatives.

  1. The first is Booster Seats, which offer the same level of support and comfort as a high chair. Just make sure it can be fastened to the dining chair and has a seat belt, and you’ll be OK.
  2. Second, If the safety belts are a concern, you can choose a children’s table with a set of little chairs that allows youngsters to eat like adults without sacrificing safety.
  3. Space-saving high chairs can also be utilized to sit atop a chair and can be transformed into strapped boosters by just eliminating the tray and raising them to the table. Make the booster more appealing by adding stickers of your child’s main stars.

How to transition from high chair to regular chair

Toddlers are the most energetic age group, so it’s critical to give them lots of good chances to move around and investigate their surroundings. You should think about some pointers and guidelines to help you move your infant from a high chair to a regular chair.

  1. Check that the ordinary chair or booster seat is as much as high as their high chair, otherwise, your youngster may be uneasy in the new seat.
  2. You might even invite their mates over and host a “dining party” at their table to feel them comfortable.
  3. Make meals a social family event by including your child and spending quality time together.
  4. Always select a chair that is the appropriate height for your youngster. Also, ensure that the back and arms are soft and padded so that your child does not damage themselves while sitting in the chair.
  5. Encourage your toddler to sit in a chair with her hands and feet rather than her head and shoulders. This will aid in the development of healthy muscles and movement skills.
  6. Allow time to switch to a different chair because developing a habit takes time, so do it gradually.

What are some tips to get toddlers out of high chairs?

As your toddler got its mobility. They will want to sit on their own, so it is a good idea to begin moving them out of the high chair.

  • For the first meal or two, place the tray over their lap before lifting it fully.
  • Stop leaving them at the table alone since they might try to get up, even if you have to do so while you complete your food.
  • If your youngster fails to climb over, it’s even better as he or she has now learned that attempting to flee has implications.
  • When they can move over their chair, have them unhook the straps and remove the tray. If they reject, don’t force them.
  • When they can move over their chair, have them unhook the straps and remove the tray. If they reject, don’t force them because it will just work against you.
  • Stop trying and avoid putting pressure on your child.
  • Remember that this is a typical part of the transition process, therefore it may take several sessions for your child to learn how to sit comfortably at the table.

You will make the job easier and so much less complex if you follow all of these tips!


1. Should I stop my child from using the high chair too soon?

There is no hard and fast rule because the optimal strategy depends on your child’s age, development, and habits. However, you should normally cease using a high chair when your child is around 12 to 18 months old. This is because they can now sit up alone and seem to be able to begin eating normally from the table.

2. How old is too old for a high chair

Because everyone’s interests vary. Some parents use high chairs from infancy, while others wait until their child is a little older and more capable of sitting in one without getting injured.

Infants who are unable to sit alone should be placed in an infant carrier or sitting crib rather than a highchair. When your kid is mobile and able to sit unaided (about 12 to 3 years), you can move them to a booster seat or conventional dining table.

3. Are there any disadvantages to letting toddlers stay in high chairs for too long?

It is dependent on the child and their personal needs. Long-term use of high chairs may help certain toddlers by delaying the onset of table manners and hand-eye coordination. Other toddlers may struggle to sit for long amounts of time in a high chair due to general discomfort or a lack of mobility.

The primary disadvantage is that they may become sedentary and obese. Toddlers who sit in high chairs for long periods are more likely to be overweight.

If you have any problems and concerns, please contact a trained occupational therapist or a pediatrician.

4. Are there any challenges associated with getting toddlers out of high chairs?

There are some difficulties in getting toddlers out of high chairs. One significant difficulty is that they may be resistive to being moved and may become upset or furious when their seating is disturbed.

As a result, instead of leaving your kid seated in one area for extended periods, actively involve them in an activity. This will aid in the development of transitional skills and stimulate physical exercise.


As parents, you need to know when your child is ready to move on from their high chair. It might be a difficult decision, but by following a few simple guidelines, you can make the move easier on both you and your toddler. Many parents notice that their toddler outgrows their high chair around the age of 2-3 years. If things appear to be moving too quickly for them, don’t be afraid to revert to using high chairs. They may begin to outgrow their high chairs, but keep them safe and healthy as they do so. Thank you for reading!


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